From the Hearts That Have, to the Hands That Need

Love Giving is an initiative from Intelligence Working Together, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people of all ages that have nothing to excel in the community. We provide financial assistance for educational expenses, mentoring, and resources to help them reach their goals.

Your donation will go directly to those in need, giving them the opportunity to build a better life. By investing in our neighbors, we can create a brighter future for everyone. Join us in giving back to our community and show your support for Love Giving today.

Freeing the burden from others is simple. Donations can be in the form of: Food, clothing, toys, school supplies, books, suits, etc.

Some of our Givers and donors supply intellectual materials (i.e., briefs, power points, written materials, time, etc.) that will aid in teaching and growth of the youth. However, many of our Givers have the heart to donate, not the time. For those Givers, we have a simple and easy method of contributing financially. Whatever your heart and time allow, we thank you in advance. 

Contact us for assistance, and let us know who you are, so we can tell the world about you. 

Thank you for donating!